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All Features

Membership smart contracts

Deploy membership smart contracts
Custom contract name
Custom ticker symbol for membership tokens
Upgradable smart contracts
Updatable smart contracts
Programmable smart contracts

Membership management

Time-based memberships
Customizable membership duration (1sec to 10000+ yrs)
Non-expiring memberships
Set membership price
Set membership quantity
Set membership duration
Free memberships
Claimable memberships
Cancel memberships
Extend memberships
Membership renewals
Member lists
Membership status indicator (valid, expired)
Renew memberships for others
Automated membership renewals
Set maximum memberships per holder


Recurring subscriptions onchain
Pay for subscriptions via credit cards
Pay for subscriptions via stablecoins, native tokens, or ERC-20 tokens


Airdrop NFT
Airdrop NFTs in bulk
Airdrop to email

Wallet-less onboarding

Walletless airdrop
Email / password support for login
Password reset

Credit cards

Credit card payments
Stripe integration

Cryptocurrency support

Cryptocurrency payments
Base currency support including ETH, MATIC, etc.
Custom ERC-20 currency support

Wallet support

Support for multiple wallets including Metamask, Rainbow, Coinbase Wallet, etc.
WalletConnect support
Apple Wallet and Google Wallet support

NFT support

NFT minting
Image customization
Token URI customization
Metadata customization
ERC-721 support
Set NFT image contract-wide
Set NFT image per token
Dynamic NFT support
NFT video images
Custom metadata properties
Custom metadata levels
Custom metadata stats
NFTs visible on OpenSea, Blur, and other marketplaces
Receive NFT via email
NFT lending
NFT sharing
“Bring Your Own NFT” support for ERC-20
“Bring Your Own NFT” support for ERC-1155


Transferrable NFTs
Enable or disable transfers

Soul bound tokens

Non-transferable (”soul bound”) NFTs

Email support

Email reply-to customization
Email sender customization
Send email to members

Customizable checkout flows

Customizable look-and-feel
Custom logo on checkout
Collect email address on purchase
Password-protected checkout
Captcha-protected checkout
Checkout flow previews
Allowlists (via Guild hook)

Events and Ticketing

Event RSVPs and registration
Event ticketing
Event check-in & verification
Event “sold out” indicator
Event ticketing time
Event ticketing location
Event ticketing timezone
Event ticketing previews
Receive ticket via email
QR code tickets and registrations

Certifications and Credentials

Onchain certificates & credentials
Certificate purchase email customization
Certificate airdrop email customization
Certification issuer name support

Referrer, affiliate, and platform monetization

Set referrer fees
Set affiliate fees
Set platform fees

Hooks and plugins

Key purchase hook
Key cancel hook
Valid key hook
Token URI hook
Key transfer hook
Key extend hook
Key grant hook

Network support

Ethereum mainnet
Gnosis chain
BNB chain
Goerli testnet
Mumbai testnet

Access control

Role-based access controls


Purchase receipts

Frameworks and integration support

npm package
React integration
JavaScript integration

Sign In With Ethereum

Sign In With Ethereum support

Technical features

Full API
Webhooks support
Subgraph integration
Websub support
Open source protocol
3x audited smart contracts

Token gating integration

Optimistic and pessimistic unlocking
Front-end access control (token gating)
Back-end access control (token gating)

Learning and support resources

Video tutorials
Extensive implementation guides and documentation
Responsive and supportive community